Data Stores

Simple-to-Scale Database Options - integrated data stores from laptop to parallelized cluster.

from llmware.configs import LLMWareConfig

#   to set the collection database - mongo, sqlite, postgres  

#   to set the vector database (or declare when installing)  
#   --options: milvus, pg_vector (postgres), redis, qdrant, faiss, pinecone, mongo atlas  

#   for fast start - no installations required  
LLMWareConfig().set_vector_db("chromadb")   # try also faiss and lancedb  

#   for single postgres deployment  

#   to install mongo, milvus, postgres - see the docker-compose scripts as well as examples

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Check out the llmware videos and GitHub repository.

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About the project

llmware is © 2023-2024 by AI Bloks.


Please first discuss any change you want to make publicly, for example on GitHub via raising an issue or starting a new discussion. You can also write an email or start a discussion on our Discrod channel. Read more about becoming a contributor in the GitHub repo.

Code of conduct

We welcome everyone into the llmware community. View our Code of Conduct in our GitHub repository.

llmware and AI Bloks

llmware is an open source project from AI Bloks - the company behind llmware. The company offers a Software as a Service (SaaS) Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) service. AI Bloks was founded by Namee Oberst and Darren Oberst in Oktober 2022.


llmware is distributed by an Apache-2.0 license.

Thank you to the contributors of llmware!