Agent Inference Server

LLMWare supports multiple deployment options, including the use of REST APIs to implement most model invocations.

To set up an inference server for Agent processes:

""" This example shows how to set up an inference server that can be used in conjunction with agent-based workflows.

    This script covers both the server-side deployment, as well as the steps taken on the client-side to deploy
    in an Agent example.

    Note: this example will build off two other examples:

        1.  "examples/Models/"
        2.  "examples/SLIM-Agents/"


from llmware.models import ModelCatalog, LLMWareInferenceServer


base_model = "llmware/bling-tiny-llama-v0"

#   this will start Flask-based server, which will display the launched IP address and port, e.g.,
#   "Running on " ip_address = ""


from llmware.agents import LLMfx

def create_multistep_report_over_api_endpoint():

    """ This is derived from the script in the example """

    customer_transcript = "My name is Michael Jones, and I am a long-time customer.  " \
                          "The Mixco product is not working currently, and it is having a negative impact " \
                          "on my business, as we can not deliver our products while it is down. " \
                          "This is the fourth time that I have called.  My account number is 93203, and " \
                          "my user name is mjones. Our company is based in Tampa, Florida."

    #   create an agent using LLMfx class
    agent = LLMfx()

    #   copy the ip address from the Flask launch readout
    ip_address = ""

    #   inserting this line below into the agent process sets the 'api endpoint' execution to "ON"
    #   all agent function calls will be deployed over the API endpoint on the remote inference server
    #   to "switch back" to local execution, comment out this line


    #   to explicitly turn the api endpoint "on" or "off"
    # agent.switch_endpoint_on()
    # agent.switch_endpoint_off()


    #   load tools individually

    #   load multiple tools
    agent.load_tool_list(["emotions", "topics", "intent", "tags", "ratings", "answer"])

    #   start deploying tools and running various analytics

    #   first conduct three 'soft skills' initial assessment using 3 different models

    #   alternative way to execute a tool, passing the tool name as a string

    #   call multiple tools concurrently

    #   the 'answer' tool is a quantized question-answering model - ask an 'inline' question
    #   the optional 'key' assigns the output to a dictionary key for easy consolidation
    agent.answer("What is a short summary?",key="summary")

    #   prompting tool to ask a quick question as part of the analytics
    response = agent.answer("What is the customer's account number and user name?", key="customer_info")

    #   you can 'unload_tool' to release it from memory

    #   at end of processing, show the report that was automatically aggregated by key
    report = agent.show_report()

    #   displays a summary of the activity in the process
    activity_summary = agent.activity_summary()

    #   list of the responses gathered
    for i, entries in enumerate(agent.response_list):
        print("update: response analysis: ", i, entries)

    output = {"report": report, "activity_summary": activity_summary, "journal": agent.journal}

    return output

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About the project

llmware is © 2023-2024 by AI Bloks.


Please first discuss any change you want to make publicly, for example on GitHub via raising an issue or starting a new discussion. You can also write an email or start a discussion on our Discrod channel. Read more about becoming a contributor in the GitHub repo.

Code of conduct

We welcome everyone into the llmware community. View our Code of Conduct in our GitHub repository.

llmware and AI Bloks

llmware is an open source project from AI Bloks - the company behind llmware. The company offers a Software as a Service (SaaS) Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) service. AI Bloks was founded by Namee Oberst and Darren Oberst in Oktober 2022.


llmware is distributed by an Apache-2.0 license.

Thank you to the contributors of llmware!