Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How can I set the chunk size?

“I want to parse my documents into smaller chunks”

You can set the chunk size with the chunk_size parameter of the add_files method.

The add_files method from the Library class has a chunk_size parameter that controls the chunk size. The method in addition has a parameter to control the maxium chunk size with max_chunk_size. These two parameters are passed on to the Parser class. In the following example, we add the same files with different chunk sizes to the library chunk_size_example.

from pathlib import Path

from llmware.library import Library

path_to_my_library_files = Path('~/llmware_data/sample_files/Agreements')

my_library = Library().create_new_library(library_name='chunk_size_example')
my_library.add_files(input_folder_path=path_to_my_library_files, chunk_size=400)
my_library.add_files(input_folder_path=path_to_my_library_files, chunk_size=600)

How can I set the embedding store?

“I want to use a specific embedding store”

You can set the embedding store with the vector_db parameter of the install_new_embedding method, which you call on a Library object eacht time you want to create an embedding for a library.

The install_new_embedding method from the Library class has a vector_db parameter that sets the embedding store. At the moment of this writting, LLMWare supports the embedding stores chromadb, neo4j, milvus, pg_vector, postgres, redis, pinecone, faiss, qdrant, mongo atlas, and lancedb. In the following example, we create the same embeddings three times for the same library, but store them in three different embedding stores.

import logging
from pathlib import Path

from llmware.configs import LLMWareConfig
from llmware.library import Library'Currently supported embedding stores: {LLMWareConfig().get_supported_vector_db()}')

library = Library().create_new_library(library_name='embedding_store_example')


How can I set the collection store?

“I want to use a specific collection store”

You can set the collection store with the set_active_db method of the LLMWareConfig class.

The collection store is set using the LLMWareConfig class with the set_active_db method. At the time of writting, LLMWare supports the three collection stores MongoDB, Postgres, and SQLite - which is the default. You can retrieve the supported collection store with the method get_supported_collection_db. In the example below, we first print the currently active collection store, then we retrieve the supported collection stores, before we swith to Postgres.

import logging

from llmware.configs import LLMWareConfig'Currently active collection store: {LLMWareConfig.get_active_db()}')'Currently supported collection stores: {LLMWareConfig().get_supported_collection_db()}')

LLMWareConfig.set_active_db("postgres")'Currently active collection store: {LLMWareConfig.get_active_db()}')

How can I retrieve more context?

“I want to retrieve more context from a query”

One way to retrieve more context is to set the result_count parameter of the query, text_query, and semantic_query methods from the Query class. By increasing result_count, the number of retrieved results is increased which increases the context size.

The Query class has the methods query, text_query, and semantic_query methods which allow to set the number of retrieved results with result_count. On a side note, query is a wrapper function for text_query and semantic_query. The value of result_count is passed on to the queried embedding store to control the number of retrieved results. For example, for pgvector result_count is passed on to the value after the LIMIT keyword. In the SQL example below, you can see the resulting SQL query of LLMWare if result_count=10, the name of the collectoin being agreements, and the query vector being [1, 2, 3].

    embedding <-> '[1, 2, 3]' AS distance,
FROM agreements
ORDER BY distance

In the following example, we execute the same query against a library twice but change the number of retrieved results from 3 to 6.

import logging
from pathlib import Path

from llmware.configs import LLMWareConfig
from llmware.library import Library
from llmware.retrieval import Query'Currently supported embedding stores: {LLMWareConfig().get_supported_vector_db()}')

library = Library().create_new_library(library_name='context_size_example')

query = Query(library)
query_results = query.semantic_query(query='salary', result_count=3, results_only=True)'Number of results: {len(query_results)}')
query_results = query.semantic_query(query='salary', result_count=6, results_only=True)'Number of results: {len(query_results)}')

How can I set the Large Language Model?

“I want to use a different LLM”

You can set the Large Language Model (LLM) with the gen_model parameter of the load_model method from the Prompt class.

The Prompt class has the method load_model with the gen_model parameter which sets the LLM. The gen_model parameter is passed on to the ModelCatalog class, which loads the LLM either from HuggingFace or from another source. The ModelCatalog allows you to list all available models with the method list_generative_mdoels, or just the local models list_generative_local_models, or just the open source models list_open_source_models. In the example below, we log all available LLMs, including the ones that are available locally and the open source ones, and also create the prompters. Each prompter uses a different LLM from our BLING model series, which you can also find on HuggingFace.

import logging

from llmware.models import ModelCatalog
from llmware.prompts import Prompt

llm_gen = ModelCatalog().list_generative_models()'List of all LLMs: {llm_gen}')

llm_gen_local = ModelCatalog().list_generative_local_models()'List of all local LLMs: {llm_local}')

llm_gen_open_source = ModelCatalog().list_open_source_models()'List of all open source LLMs: {llm_gen_open_source}')

prompter_bling_1b = Prompt().load_model(gen_model='llmware/bling-1b-0.1')
prompter_bling_tiny_llama = Prompt().load_model(gen_model='llmware/bling-tiny-llama-v0')
prompter_bling_falcon_1b = Prompt().load_model(gen_model='llmware/bling-falcon-1b-0.1')

How can I set the embedding model?

“I want to use a different embedding model”

You can set the embedding model with the embedding_model_name parameter of the install_new_embedding method from the Library class.

The Library class has the method install_new_embedding with the embedding_model_name parameter which sets the embedding model. The ModelCatalog allows you to list all available embedding models with the list_embedding_models method. In the following example, we list all available embedding models, and then we create a library with the name embedding_models_example, which we embedd two times with embedding models 'mini-lm-sber' and 'industry-bert-contracts'.

import logging

from llmware.models import ModelCatalog
from llmware.library import Library

embedding_models = ModelCatalog().list_generative_models()'List of embedding models: {embedding_models}')

library = Library().create_new_library(library_name='embedding_models_example')


Why is the model running slowly in Google Colab?

“I want to improve the performance of my model on Google Colab”

Our models are designed to run on at least 16GB of RAM. By default Google Colab provides ~13GB of RAM, which significantly slows computational speed. To ensure the best performance when using our models, we highly recommend enabling the T4 GPU in Colab. This will provide the notebook with additional resources, including 16GB of RAM, allowing our models to run smoothly and efficiently.

Steps to enabling T4 GPU in Colab:

  1. In your Colab notebook, click on the “Runtime” tab
  2. Select “Change runtime type”
  3. Under “Hardware Accelerator”, select T4 GPU

NOTE: There is a weekly usage limit on using T4 for free.